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The article(s) or photo(s) will be emailed to you within 1-4 business days depending on article. Please note terms of purchase for stock articles require a byline, a shirttail (provided in the copy on the article), and may only be minimally edited. If articles are to be published digitally, URL www.nikkialvinsmithstudio.com must be included.

Articles generally run 1500 to 2500 words depending on topic but articles on assignment may be produced to your specific requirements. Short burst articles (500 to 1200 words), newsletters, blogging, e-blast content and special website ‘pop-ups’ are also available. Questions? Please don’t hesitate to contact us.

ist Time Serial Rights Special offer: Free photo with any article marked with a red star. A $30.00 value.

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Catalog » Articles-Short

Get Started Obstacle Training



Short Description

An introduction to obstacle training including safety guidelines when handling your horse on the ground as well as in the saddle. The difference between proactive and reactive riding.


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